Butterfinger, she’s your girl!
A few weeks back I shot an entry for Butterfinger’s last spokesperson on Earth video contest but I didn’t make the finals. But it turns out that my friend Anna DID manage to make the top 5. Anna’s a very talented musician from Chicago and I’m happy to say that I introduced her to the world of video contests. She writes and performs amazing and catchy little songs and I think if she gets hooked she’s going to wind up winning a lot of contests. The Butterfinger contest had a really weird theme; contestants were supposed to demonstrate a talent and show what an effective spokesperson they would be after aliens invade during the Mayan Apocalypse in December 2012. The concept is totally insane but Anna managed to write an absolutely beautiful song about Butterfingers and the end of the world.
The winner of the Butterfinger competition is determined by facebook votes so Anna could use your support. To vote for her, just follow this link and scroll down past the promo video. You’ll see 5 thumbnails. Click on the one that says Anna H. and vote. I totally slacked off on this request and midnight on Monday the 27th is the voting deadline so cast a vote while you still can. Thanks!