The Super Bowl STILL isn’t over but this year’s installment of the Crash the Super Bowl contest is. As promised, two consumer-made ads aired tonight and the winners were Goat 4 Sale and Fashionista Daddy! In case you missed them, here they are again:
I really though “Road Chip” was going to make it but I’m glad Doritos finally gave the whole dog thing a rest. As for the USA Today ad meter, we won’t know the results until late tonight. Most of the commercials that have aired so far have been simply god awful so I think both Doritos ads could wind up in the top 3. I think the only other serious contender for the #1 spot is the Budweiser “Clydesdale” ad. That one was pretty damn great. We’ll post the ad meter results as soon as we get them so check back here in the A.M.

Another twitpic from @DoritosUSA. Here’s the director of Goat 4 Sale, Ben Callner the moment he saw his commercial air.
11:50PM UPDATE: USA Today just published a story that contained a few ad meter results. Unfortunately, neither Crash the Super Bowl ad landed in the Top 3 so nobody won any of the bonus prizes. The #1 ad of the game was Budweiser’s Clydesdale. The highest ranking Dortios ad was Fashionista Daddy which came in at #4. No word on how Goat 4 Sale did yet. These results are really quite shocking. It sounds like many of the most popular ads of the night were sentimental instead of funny. I think both of the Doritos directors got screwed really hard by the changes that USA Today made to the ad meter poll this year. For the first time ever, the ad meter was open to the public. (It used to be just based on focus group polling.) More than 7,000 people signed up and rated ads and who the hell knows who those 7,000 people were? If the ad meter hadn’t changed this year I’m positive the outcome would have been very different. I’ll post a more complete recap tomorrow after the full results appear online.
I’m SHOCKED!!! How did ‘Goat 4 Sale’ not make top-3? I lost count of how many times I watched that video. Its the perfect combination of short story and humor mixed into a 30-second spot.
Opening the voting to people outside the focus groups really messed with the results. IMHO I think this is strike 2 against CTSB. (Strike 1 being the Facebook App)
If I’m a film maker, my motivation for entering this contest just dropped. The focus groups allowed a simple random sample of viewers to pick the most memorable, funny and touching commercial. Opening it up to others allows for the system to be gamed and manipulated, which seems like it happened tonight.
Don’t get me wrong, Fashionista Daddy was a GREAT commercial, but it wasn’t as good as ‘Goat 4 Sale’. Since Fashionista Daddy got 4th place, it seems to point to a great collection of crowd sourced voters to sway the results in their direction.
That Clydesdale commercial was the best hands down. Once I saw that … I knew it would be tough to beat. Surprised that all the sentimental ads did as well as they did. Can’t wait to see the whole list. I think people wanted intelligence over slapstick!
I think overall this years crop of Superbowl commercials were the worst I can remember. The Budweiser ad was good but very predictable. None of the ads gave me a LOL moment. I guess my favorite “Funny” ad was the Bot Girl Kia ad, but even that one just gave me a slight chuckel. Just goes to show you, huge budgets and special effects do not always make a great ad, such as the Silent Library and Where do babies come from ads, both were mildy entertaining, but no LOL moments in my opinion.
Gives me hope for next year I guess.
1) It’s awesome that two serious videos placed so highly up there. The Clydesdale one (which was legitimately moving and beautiful) and the Farmer one (which was even more so.)
2) If this doesn’t break the Doritos contest (meaning if they decide to continue running again next year) maybe it will at least break the cycle of the same style videos winning over and over and over again, and maybe they’ll be willing to branch out and try different kinds of entries.
Joel, that was actually a typo. I meant to say that if the goat from Goat 4 Sale wasn’t on the cover of USA Today today I’d eat a TIN of CANdy. I’ll get on that right away as soon as I find a place that still sells candy in tins.