Poptent recently announced the results of two assignments; TurboTax and Top Flight. And when I say “recently” I mean they announced them last month. If you haven’t seen them yet, here they are:
Purchased by Turbo Tax. Price: $4,000
Several other videos won editor’s awards of $1,000 and $500. You can see those (one of them has a bikini girl in it!) here:
Top-Flight purchased 5 ads submitted by poptent users for $3,500 each. You can see all five here:
But here’s my favorite:
Purchased by Top-Flight. Price: $3,500
Incidentally, Poptent has four big assignments open right now; Becks Beer, Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream, 42 Below Vodka and Fed-Ex. The deadline for the Fed-Ex assignment is only 9 days away and only 23 videos have submitted. So this might be your chance to swoop in and get a big pay day. But…and this is going to sound crazy…I heard that the assignment pages for Becks Beer and 42 Below vodka are haunted!! I heard that when you click the “Accept Assignment button” a ghost flies out of your computer and tries to eat your face! That’s some scary stuff right there man. And I’m not just saying all this because I’m shooting submissions for Becks and 42 Below this weekend and I want to discourage you from submitting. I’m telling you because I know you love your face and are scared of ghosts.