Colorectal PSA winner

So….this was a video contest about ass cancer. It was sponsored by the Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada (say THAT five times fast) and the goal was to create a PSA that would encourage people to get screened for the aforementioned disease.  I like really weird, quirky contests so I was very, very close to entering one this. I had two hilarious ideas but I never actually filmed them. That’s because the ideas were a little too hilarious.  When creating a PSA about the human butt, you have to strike exactly the right note.  Did the winning video hit that note?  You be the judge:

PSA contest winner.  Prize: $2,500 (Canadian)

The end is kind of like a cliffhanger, isn’t it?  The guy just stood there and I was expecting something to happen…but nothing did.  I once had a screenwriting teacher that said that an effective final scene should leave the audience imagining what happens next.  So I’ve got to hand it to the director of the winning PSA.  He got me to imagine what happened after the screen went black.

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