Thanks for a great May!

I’m always very open about how much traffic VCN gets because I think it reflects just how popular video contests are.  More traffic for this site means more competition for the people who are already into contests!  Every year I see a huge spike in traffic during the Crash the Super Bowl season and then once the Super Bowl becomes old news, the numbers go back to normal.  (Although CTSB season basically lasts for 5 months so it’s hard to say what is “normal” for VCN.)  The spring is always slow and then things start to pick up during the summer.

For some reason, May is always our slowest month.  I think it’s probably because a lot of people who enter video contests are in high school or college and students are pretty busy in the weeks before the end of the school year.  But for the first time ever, we actually had a lot of traffic in May.  We got about 5,000 unique visitors which is double what we had in May 2011.  And that’s a few hundred more visitors than we got in March and April.  What caused the increase?  Well I’ve been doing more posts about cameras and that’s been drawing in a lot of people via google.  I’ve also been trying to keep my posts short and to the point which I think makes the blog more enjoyable and easier to read.  And finally, I don’t normally announce new contests but when I do, it gets me a ton of first time visitors.  So you might be seeing more contests announcements in the future.  Those announcements are pretty boring though so I won’t go overboard with them.

Thanks for reading the site, folks.  If you ever have an idea for an article, let me know at .

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2 Responses to “Thanks for a great May!”

  1. Joel says:

    I had an idea – here’s a way to spice up the “new contest announcements” – you could also do a “what not to do” section and in each one, post a video that is either almost great but missing something major (good sound, focus, multiple angles, whatever) or you could find TERRIBLE videos that people have posted to contests and embed those.

  2. Beardy says:

    Heh. not a bad idea. Though if I happened to post a video that was done by a reader it might bum them out.

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