Matching Donors Video Contest Winners

Hey, are you an organ donor?  No!??  What are you, an asshole?  Do you think that when you die, you’ll show up at the gates of heaven and Saint Peter will say, “Welcome! Please place your liver in the return slot and then then you can go inside!”?  There are so many people dying in this country because there aren’t enough organ donors it’s shameful.  Ten people A DAY die in the US while waiting for a kidney transplant. Do you really need to take both of yours into the ground when you go? Yeah, it would suck if you died but at least you’d save like 8 lives on your way out the door.  Personally, my driver’s license says that I’m a Level 1A organ donor.  That’s the top level right there, man.  When I die, not only can doctors take every scrap of tissue from my body, I’ve ordered that whatever’s left over should be donated to a haunted house.  But it has to be a good one!  If my skeleton is going to be attached to a pneumatic piston and used to scare teenagers it better be in the most kick ass haunted attraction in the country.   Of course, if there’s a haunted house out there that would actually feature real dead guys I guess they’d have to be pretty hardcore.

Ok, this post is getting a little dark.  But I do have a point.  Here’s the video that won the Matching Donors “Everybody Can Save a Life” video contest that was run on zooppa.  It’s pretty good, I think:
First Place Winner.  Prize: $5,000 + some “hollywood” perks:

At this time I should mention that Matching Donors is all about finding LIVING donors.  So it’s a little different. No joke, I have a cousin that donated a lobe of his liver to his mom and it saved her life.  You have to be one hell of a special human being to part with a chunk of yourself while you’re still alive.  Me, I think I could maybe part with a kidney.  But my secret hope would be that years later, someone would try and shoot me in the kidney but I’d live because I had it removed.  It could happen!  It happened to John Locke on Lost, didn’t it?

Just for the record, it’s like 3AM and I can’t sleep.  So as a test, I decided I would do a blog entry about the winner of the very first completed video contest I found.  I also gave myself a 20 minute time limit and except for spelling errors, I couldn’t go back and re-write anything I wrote.  So, this is what a random, stream of consciousness post from Beardy looks like!  PEACE OUT DORKS!


---- Posted by Beardy. Follow us on Twitter @ ----

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One Response to “Matching Donors Video Contest Winners”

  1. Joel says:

    Please write every blog post at 3 am from now on. This was excellent.

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