Sledgehammer Wine’s “Pumpkin Crush” winner

Drink me.

Well, I did it.  I finally, freaking did it.  I have slain my white whale!  I was finally able to win a video contest where the winner was determined by facebook votes.  After getting my ass kicked in these contests all year, I started to become obsessed with winning one of them.  I was always able to make a video good enough to get into the finals but I could never muster enough votes to come out on top.  After a while, I realized that there were certain people who kept winning these facebook votes over and over and over.  So I basically stalked them across the web to figure out what they were doing.  These people basically work around the clock to get hundreds of votes a day. And let me tell you, by observing them in action I was able to learn some crazy techniques for getting real facebook votes.  But I’m still a novice. I lucked out and none of the super-vote-getters out there entered the Sledgehammer contest….maybe because it was only open to residents of a handful of Midwestern states.  Seriously, that restriction was one reason I entered this one.  I thought it would cut back on the competition and it sure did.

The contest I managed to win was “Pumpkin Crush” contest.  The idea for this one was elegantly simple; contestants were supposed to make a funny video of themselves destroying a pumpkin.  Why?  Well, I guess because the company’s name is “Sledgehammer” and it was October.  Here’s my entry:

Grand Prize Winner.  Prize:  $2,000:

I think that was pretty good.  And if the winner had been picked by a panel of judge’s I think I still would have won the grand prize.  But let me be clear about something; winning one of these facebook voting contests isn’t really anything to be proud of.  Yeah I did make a video that was able to get into the top 10 but that wasn’t too tough.  These facebook contests aren’t about skill.  They’re just a competition to see who can get the most new people to “like” the sponsor’s page.  So now that I’ve finally proved to myself that I can win one of these, I think I’ll be taking a break for a while and focus on contests that require a little talent to win.


---- Posted by Beardy. Follow us on Twitter @ ----

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One Response to “Sledgehammer Wine’s “Pumpkin Crush” winner”

  1. Joel says:

    Happy to have voted. Now I hope I never have to see a post asking for votes again :-)

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