DSLR FRIDAY: Nikon’s D800 vs. Canon’s 5D Mark III

DSLR Friday was a feature I used to do from time to time but it just sort of petered out.  But March 2012 turned out to be a huge month for DSLR fans so I thought I’d ressurect it.  About a week ago, Nikon released their new D800 and Canon released the 5D mark III.  Both are being billed as the new top of the line DSLRs and both really do sound pretty amazing.  If you’re interested in learning the basic stats for these two cameras, a company named Pictureline made this video that compares them to each other.

I’ve seen a handful of mediocre videos on youtube that compare the video quality of the D800 and the Mark III but none of them are worth posting.  Like I said, both cameras were released about a week ago so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised there’s not more test footage online yet.  But if by chance you actually bought (or have access to) the D800 or the 5D Mark III let me know!  I’d love to feature a guest review of either camera.  For more info about doing a guest post, e-mail me at .

Oh hey, I just noticed that the company that made the above video is doing a sweepstakes and the prize is a 5D Mark III.  It looks like you earn more entries by doing a bunch of dumb stuff on facebook.  I just entered but one entry is enough for me.  If you want a shot at the camera, head here.

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3 Responses to “DSLR FRIDAY: Nikon’s D800 vs. Canon’s 5D Mark III”

  1. Brian says:

    Now that the D800 is coming out, I recommend that people take a look at the D700. It’s a fantastic camera and because the d800 prices are probably going to drop soon. The D700 will be a lot cheaper and I don’t think the D800 will be that much better.

  2. Mike says:

    You need to learn a lot more about D800 before you can make judgement. Here are some of the reasons:

    1. You can store RAW files at different file size. i.e. Compress or not compress.
    2. Canon’s 5DIII does well on high ISO only when you compare with JPG. Canon 5DIII’s high ISO performance doesn’t do well when you compare in RAW. It is probably only 1/2 stop better than Nikon when compare at high ISO. However, when you downsize from 36MP to 22MP, the images from Nikon looks better and has more details.
    3. Having flash or not flash doesn’t means it has better weather seal. Canon 5DII failed in so many place where D700 didn’t fail. It is more likely that tradition continue and my bet is the Nikon has better seal than the 5DIII.
    4. Video: Video at 1080p is much clearer, more color depth (at lower ISO) than Canon’s 1080p where Canon video looks a little blury (Noise compression engine).
    5. Image quality. The Nikon 35MP images just sharper and has better DR.

    How can you review comparison something when you haven’t even try it out yourself? You need to do a real test before putting out video like this.

  3. Beardy says:


    Just to be clear, I didn’t actually make that video. I just shared it since I thought it was a nice introduction to both cameras. I’m realizing I was kind of vague about where the video actually came from. I’ll add a better attribution now.

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