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Comment Policies

We have a pretty liberal comment policy here at VCN. Feel free to speak your mind and swear your ass off. It’s also cool if you want to express strong, differing opinions. But we do have one, big rule: BE HONEST. If you have something you want to say, stand behind your words and use your REAL NAME. If you want to use a goofy screen name (you know, like “Beardy”) when leaving simple comments, go for it. But anonymous slams against ANYONE are not acceptable. If you want to talk trash you must own your words and comment under your real name. Also, you may not use fake names to say nice things about yourself or one of your video contest entries. We consider that to be both dishonest and spammy.

Comment Moderation:  The first time a reader leaves a comment, their comment will have to be approved by the editor.  After it is, that reader’s future comments will automatically go public when they submit them.

The editor of VCN has the right to delete or edit all comments posted on this site. If you post something that crosses the line of good taste or if you try to and pick a fight or if you harass or troll someone your comment will be deleted and you may be banned from leaving future comments. If you leave an unpleasant comment under a fake name and if we are able to determine who actually left that comment the editor of VCN can and will change the comment to indicate who actually left it.

How to get yourself banned from leaving comments: The editor of VCN has the right to ban anyone from leaving comments on this site for any reason. If you misrepresent yourself or lie in a comment you may be banned. If you try and use the comment section to harass someone you will be banned. If you try and post spam here you will be banned. WordPress makes it very easy to ban specific individuals from leaving comments and the ban is difficult to get around. All bans issued are lifetime bans. You will not have your ban lifted so please don’t ask. Just go away and leave us alone. We don’t want to hear from you any more.

Once a comment has been posted, the author grants VideoContestNews.com the right to display that comment any way the editor sees fit in perpetuity. A comment can only be removed at the discretion of the editor. By leaving a comment on this site you are agreeing to the terms of our Comment Policy.


VideoContestNews.com is edited by Dan Lamoureux

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