Posts Tagged ‘russell’s notebook’

What do YOU think about the big Godaddy winners?

Man oh man…I think I really overdid things this weekend.  So much candy…so much beer…so much wig hair clinging to my face. (i was a viking.)  I got so sidetracked by halloween that I’ve totally been slacking on covering one of the biggest pieces of Video Contest News of the year; the announcement of the winners of’s massive summer video contest.  Readers have been asking me if I was going to comment on the results and I will…but just not until after I re-cooperate a bit.  (I had a shoot yesterday and today so I’m really backlogged on my re-cooperating.)  Anyways, a friend of the site suggested that I do a new post so that readers could share their thoughts about the winning godaddy videos.  I think that’s an awesome idea so that’s what I’m doing right now.

So click the link below and watch all the winning ads.  Then come back here to share your thoughts, complaints, jealous rantings etc. in the comment section of this post.  Like I’ve said, I’ll have more to say about the contest soon so look for a more detailed post to come in a couple days.

  As I mentioned last week (when we totally got it right when we announced the leaked name of the winning godaddy entry) I really like the first place winning commercial Russell’s Notebook.  It was easily the best video submitted.  Our pals over at my favorite website did an interview with the Russell’s Notebook team.  Check it out to learn how they were able to pull off such an ambitious and cool entry:

UPDATE #2: Oh wow. I just checked our traffic logs and VCN got a record number of visitors during the month of October! Thanks to the interest in the godaddy contest, October’s traffic just barely beat out January’s when we got a ton of Crash the Superbowl-related traffic. If you’re new to the site, thanks for visiting! If you like what you see, why not bookmark us or subscribe to our RSS feed?

We know who the big Godaddy winner is!

Yesterday I posted the news that Godaddy had postponed the announcement of the winners of their humongous until October 27th. According to the contest site, the winners were originally supposed to be announced “on or around October 18th.”

After the post went up I got a tip from a reader that said that some or all of the winners of the contest had been notified. Now if you just won a giant cash prize in a video contest, what’s the first thing you’d do? Call your mom? Sure, ok. Then what? You’d probably start spreading the good news across the tweet-o-sphere, right? Well I checked twitter and the word about who won is out, big time. So here, one week early is the grand prize winner of the Summer Edition of the Godaddy commercial contest!

Godaddy First Place Winner. Prize: $250,000:

Ok, I can't actually embed the video here on the site. So click this image to watch it.

You’ll have to wait until next week to see the “web only version” I suppose.  Now I watched all 215 entries in this contest and “Russel’s Notebook” is probably the video I would have picked as the first place winner too.  It looks amazing, it has a ton of production value and the song is even kind of catchy.  And tapping into Glee phenomenon was just a stroke of genius.  So it’s no surprise at all that this won.  But what is surprising is who made this video.  It was created by a group called Wayside Creations. Wayside Creations is the team behind the very excellent and the web series Back Yard FX!  I actually have Indy Mogul listed in our side bar under “Video Contest Resources” because it’s such a great site.  Last year, I even won $2,000 in a video contest using muppet-like puppets I learned how to build thanks to an episode of Back Yard FX.  So if you’ve never checked out the site, it has a lot of very handy tricks for low-budget filmmakers on there.

Speaking of low-budget, I just checked the Indy Mogul forum and apparently, this entry only cost about $500 to produce.  Amazing.  But obviously, the filmmakers probably have a ton of resources at their disposal.  So today’s lesson is this; if you have good gear and skilled people who know how to use it, you don’t need to spend a ton of money to make a great video.

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