Last night, CBS aired a special called “The Superbowl’s Greatest Commercials.” It was basically just an hour-long run-down of popular Superbowl ads from the past. But at the end of the show, they revealed snippets of several ads that will be airing during this year’s Superbowl. Here’s what the host said when introducing the montage:
“Here’s a sneak peak of a few more spots that will air during the big game.”
The montage didn’t include many commercials, but it did include footage from 2 of the 6 Crash the Superbowl finalists; SNACK ATTACK SAMURAI and KIDS THESE DAYS. You can watch the entire show at for free, but the sneak peek segment is actually available on it’s own. Click here to watch it.
I really don’t know what to think about this. Did Doritos really just announce two of the three commercials that won the Crash the Superbowl competition early? I’m leaning towards “yes.” CBS just declared to the world that those commercials “will air during the big game.” That’s a definitive statement right there and if CBS doesn’t air those two ads, I’m sure a crafty lawyer could paint that as breach of a verbal contract or something. At the very least, they’d be unfairly getting the hopes up of the projected winners. I mean, could you imagine the phone calls that the makers of these two entries must have been getting when that show aired? Would Doritos really put them in a position where they would have to tell all of their friends and family that CBS was wrong about which ads CBS was going to air on Sunday?
The case for the early reveal seems more plausible when you remember the way that the top 6 finalists were announced this year. Hours before the official announcement, USAtoday ran a story about this year’s Superbowl ads that identified “Casket” as one of Dorito’s finalists. So clearly, Doritos already broken with tradition this year and leaked information early to the media.
On the other hand, if you watch the entire montage you’ll notice something fishy. Remember the Careerbuilder “Hire My TV Ad” Superbowl commercial contest? Careerbuilder picked three home-made ads and then re-shot the ideas professionally. All three of the re-shoots can be seen here:
According to the Hire My TV ad website, Careerbuilder was going to pick JUST ONE of these three remakes and air them during the game on Sunday. But the “Superbowl’s Greatest Commercials” montage includes footage from ALL THREE Careerbuilder ads….including the commercial that CBS already turned down because of lewd content, i.e., a flaming fart. The Hire my TV ad website has that ad, entitled “Worst Seat,” as labeled “Too Hot For TV.”
So either Careerbuilder decided to buy 2 more commercial slots and CBS changed their mind about the “Too Hot for TV” ad, or the above montage contains commercials that will not air during the Superbowl
Think about it this way; it must be hard to get companies to reveal their Superbowl ads early. Maybe that’s why 5 of the ads in the montage are commercials that have already been seen all over the web. So it’s quite possible that the producers of “The Superbowl’s Greatest Commercials” were just lazy and instead of explaining that some of the featured ads MIGHT air on Sunday, they just lumped them in with the other sure things. I guess we’ll find out the answer in just a few more days.
2/6 UPDATE: Hmmmm, yesterday, USA Today released it’s official list of all the commercials that will air during the Superbowl. Careerbuilder is listed as only airing one ad. So now we know for sure that 2 of the ads in the CBS montage won’t air during the game. Unless the careerbuilder contestants already knew which ad was going to air, that was areal punk move by CBS. The might have got a lot of people’s hopes up for nothing. Same goes for the Crash the Superbowl finalists. I still think that the two featured Doritos ads will air, but now nothing looks 100% for sure.
Hey Beardy,
I think it would be wise not to jump to any conclusions here. If I remember the broadcaster correctly, Keith Olbermann announced that my spot would play during the SuperBowl. Come to find out it was really just ‘his pick’ to air. ABC World news tonight, also stated that Mousetrap was the favor to win it all in the 2007 CTSB. Neither prediction was accurate. So I think it would be wise to reserve judgement. If I am to believe the numbers (the same calculations that accurately predicted the outcome in 2007), it will be Casket, Snack Attack Samurai and House rules that air on Sunday, and you’ll be soon writing a check to an orphanage in Haiti.
Jared, I think this is a different case. CBS didn’t present these as predictions or personal favorites. They presented the spots as commercials that will air during the superbowl. Obviously, CBS already has TV-ready copies of the 3 winning ads they could use in the “Greatest commercials” special. If Snack Attack and Kids these days aren’t going to air, they would have had to request tv-ready copies of them from Doritos. And if they asked Doritos for those copies, they probably would have mentioned what they were using them for. So I don’t think Doritos would let CBS mis-identify 2 of their contest winners.
To be expected to some degree, human nature being what it is. Congrats once more to all 6 for ascending the pedestals for natl+ entertainment.
Okay Beardy,
If you think CBS is going to run the GoDaddy spot and all three Career Builder spots, than I guess you are right. Whew! Boy, you’re lucky this is your kingdom or I’d have a castle on a bog with a leaky moat to sell you.
The Godaddy ad that appears in the montage isn’t the one that was rejected by CBS. So the ad in the montage is probably going to air. If you feel like watching something insipid and offensive, here is the GoDaddy ad that WAS rejected this year:
[...] few days ago I explained here and here that it looked like Doritos had already revealed the names of the Crash the Super Bowl [...]