Well, Michael Bay has spoken. The epic director of Transformers and Armageddon was the sole judge in Sprint’s “” in which filmmakers were asked to submit their most epic short, short films. The contest got some really entertaining entries but in the end, here’s the video that Mr. Bay deemed to be the most Epic of all:
Grand Prize Winner. Prize: $25,000.
You know what, I liked it. I watched the other finalists and that’s probably the one I would have picked too.
AND SPEAKING OF THINGS THAT ARE EPIC, I just wanted to make a quick mention of the fact that November turned out to be Videocontestnews.com’s biggest month ever! Just before midnight on the 30th we got our 10,000th unique visitor of the month. That’s crazy! Obviously the huge spike in traffic came from people interested in the Crash the Super Bowl contest. We got a simmilar (though not as epic) spike thanks to our Crash coverage last year and I’m happy to report that a lot readers stuck with us even during the CTSB off-season. So I’m hoping 2011 turns out to be a big year for us. If you’re new to the site, thanks for checking us out. We’ve been getting record numbers of comments lately and I think it really makes the site more entertaining and more informative so keep ‘em coming. And If you ever have some contest news you’d like to share or if you need help with a contest that’s being run un-fairly, please let us know at .
I ended up taking 13th place in this one…I don’t think that is at all bad considering I obtained all my votes honestly. The voting for this contest got out of control in the last 2-3 days as some videos came from nowhere posting thousands of votes with in a few hours time. I sat by and watched my video fall out of top 10 contention as it got passed by videos that gained vote after vote in record time. It was really frustrating and I was hoping that Sprint would stand by their rules and at least disallow any votes that were gained fraudulently, but that did not happen. The top 10 were the videos with the most votes no questions asked. If you look at the finalist page the videos are in order based on how many votes they got…1st place with the most “votes” was “Epic Poem”…and that is all I’m going to say.
Personally, I’m glad Guitar Girl won because they played a good clean campaign in this contest and even though they have a huge fan base they almost didn’t make it into the top 10. They fell from 1st place to barely placing 10th within the last 2 days of the voting period.
If I could do it all over again I would not have entered this contest because it was run very poorly and I think a lot of great videos failed to make the top 10 simply because some folks figured out how to beat the voting system that was set forth. Take it from me…Voter based contests Suck!
wow, that was a great spot!