FireFox Flicks’ Winners

Man, you really should have entered the FireFox Flicks video contest.  Actually, I guess I should have too.  They were offering a butt-load of cash prizes but for some reason they didn’t get many decent entries.  I think maybe the premise behind this contest was a little too abstract.  Contestants were supposed to create short films that “told the firefox story.”  I love Firefox and I’ve been using it for as long as I can remember but even I couldn’t figure out how to make a short film a bout a web browser. 

You can see all of the FireFox Flicks winners here. There actually were a few stand-out entries. For example, here’s the perfect little video that won the US “30 Second Spot” category and went on to win the $10,000 USA Grand Prize:

click to view

Another weird thing about this contest; it was open to people all over the world and prizes were set aside for winners in each region (USA, Europe, Asia/Africa/Australia, and Latin America.)  Video contests just aren’t very popular outside of the US. Consequently, some not-so-hot films won $5,000 prizes simply because there were almost no other entries in their particular category.  I’ve actually seen this type of thing happen in a few “international” video contests before….you know, maybe I should pull an Eduardo Saverin, renounce my US citizenship and start shooting my contest entries in Asia.  Ha!  I’m a genius!  See you in Beijing, suckers!


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2 Responses to “FireFox Flicks’ Winners”

  1. Yeah, I entered Firefox Flicks in the same category, same subject as this winner but submitted an early draft because I never got my act together on it. I put the video on my gloryborn channel on YouTube and am sending it out to all my YouTube friends. I think mine is more fun, even in draft, and gets the security message across better, but didn’t expect to win anything. My computer is severely hacked, so it’s a subject I’m happy to get the word out on. Love Firefox. Love your site!

  2. Ryan says:

    Am I the only person who noticed the subtle reference to porn in the “Squares” video? The narrator says “when you’re online learning” a chef steps into a square. Then he says “browsing” and a hot girl in a bikini steps into a square. Next he says “laughing” a man in gorilla suit steps into a square. The chef represents a video or website where the guy can learn how to cook. The guy in the gorilla suit represents comedy videos. So what does the bikini girl represent? What exactly is he “browsing?” And look at the poses the girl strikes. She’s acting sexy. If the director did intend for her to represent online porn, I think it’s a brilliant and subtle little joke.

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