Ecos Detergent’s “Get Washed” winners

Man, early summer is really a slow time for “video contest news.” I’ve been looking for interesting story ideas for the last few days but I haven’t seen anything that’s especially post-worthy. Well…I guess I could just post the video that won the Ecos “Get Washed” contest. Ok, so this spring the makers of Ecos “all natural” detergent asked their fans to create a commercial for them that was good enough to air on TV.  There was a public voting phase to determine the finalists and then judges picked the ultimate winners. Here’s the video that won the top prize.

Grand Prize Winner.  Prize: $10,000:

Apparently that was shot with an actual, old-fashioned 8MM camera.  The video kind of has a quaint charm to it but I was really surprised by this pick.  It’s not something that Ecos could ever air on TV, is it? I guess they must have given up on the “make our TV commercial” plan.  Oh well, it’s too nice outside to care. Two other videos won runner up prizes and you can see them . Or you could just go for a walk around the block. I recommend the latter option.

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One Response to “Ecos Detergent’s “Get Washed” winners”

  1. Ryan says:

    Are you sure that was shot with an 8mm camera? There are iphone and ipad apps that can mimic that 8mm look. If this was shot with an iphone then for sure it’s not ever going to air on tv. It looks ok on youtube but blown up it would look terrible.

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