. LibertyTaxWomadz1 .

Happy Anniversary to me!


I just got an alert from godaddy that said that my domain, videocontestnews.com, was set to auto-renew on September 1st.  So that means Saturday is VCN’s three-year anniversary!  To commemorate this momentous occasion, please head to the grocery store today and get some cake mix and frosting, make me a cake (or a tray of cupcakes) and fedex them to me so I can enjoy them on the first.  Right now my instinct is to say “time flies” and that I don’t know where the last 3 years went.  But man….it actually feels like I’ve been writing this blog for half my life.  I guess now I understand why people keep diaries.  When you spend a few hours every week writing about whatever is on your mind it kind of slows down the passage of time.  Weeks and months can’t really slip past you if you’re always stopping to recap what’s been going on.

If you’re a regular reader of VCN I really appreciate you and your discriminating eyeballs.  Thanks for visiting the site, leaving comments and sending your tips and suggestions.  And a big fat thank you goes out to all the companies that have sponsored the blog over the years.  I know how my brain works and without their support I think I would have gotten lazy and let the site fizzle out a long time ago.

Speaking of fizzling, I’m a little worried about VCN’s future right now since some non-video contest projects have been taking up a lot of my time lately.  I will try and keep blogging at least once or twice a week but you might encounter some longish gaps this fall.  Actually, if you have anything you’d like to say about video contests I’d love to run some guest posts in September and October.  So if you’re interested in borrowing my soapbox, send me an e-mail at .  Thanks and seriously…make and send me some cupcakes, ok?

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