Follow the gates of hell!
For a good long time I looked at Twitter with disgust and trepidation. Micro-blogging? Feh! I’m too much of a big-mouth to limit my outbursts to just 140 characters! But it finally hit me that starting a Twitter page for VCN would actually make a lot of sense. I come across tons of links and stories and stuff that are interesting but I just don’t have time to blog about all of them. So thanks to our new Twitter page I can post all that stuff and save the “big” news stories for the blog.
But the best thing about the Twitter page is that I can use it to promote new contests. I get requests all the time from companies asking me if I would blog about their contest and encourage people to enter. There are several other sites out there that already do a great job of listing new contests so I’ve basically stopped announcing them here. But here’s the thing….when these contest organizers e-mail me, it’s usually because they are starting to get desperate for videos. In most cases, their contest has already been running for weeks or months but they haven’t been getting many (or any) entries. With their deadline just around the corner the organizers make a last minute attempt to scrounge up some submissions. So when you see a contest being promoted on our Twitter page, it probably means it’s in desperate need of decent entries!
So, Twitter time has finally come. Here’s the link to our feed: Follow us, won’t you? And since I understand that everyone on the Internet is an attention whore, I promise VCN will follow any one who starts following us during the month of January. Oh and if you ever see anything you think I should tweet about, lemme know at .