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Damn the man! More government sponsored contests


That's where The Man lives

If you read our post on monday about the EPA’s new regulation-themed video contest, you’ll know that there are a few people out there that feel that the government is basically trying to control our lives and government-sponsored video contests are just another one of their propaganda tools.  (check out the comments on this article about the contest to read the thoughts of some seriously pissed people)  Elsewhere on the web, a frequent video contester has even called for filmmakers to boycott the EPA contest.  I have seen tons of video contests run by government agencies (the EPA alone seems to do like one a month) so I’m really surprised that folks just noticed this was going on.  Common sense tells me that government agencies are going to receive X amount of dollars a year for PR no matter how much people complain.  If they’re going to spend the money, at least some of it will go to filmmakers if they hold video contests.  In fact…one could argue that government-run video contests actually SAVE taxpayers money.  For example, the EPA just ran a PSA contest about fireplace safety.  (you can watch the submissions )  The winner of that contest will get $2,500 and their video will actually air on tv around the country.

Do you know what that means?  It means the federal government was able to but a national PSA for the bargain basement price of just $2,500!  So the “Learn Before you Burn” contest sounds like a win-win-win situation to me.  The government gets to save 10′s of thousands of dollars on a PSA, a independent filmmaker gets a little cash and a lot of exposure and maybe a few more people won’t die in fires.

While we’re on the subject of contests sponsored by Big Brother, I thought I’d post there results of the “USA.GOV” contest.  It was held to increase awareness of what people can get done with USA.gov. Here’s the winner.  It’s pretty neat and features a catchy little tune:

First Place:  Prize: $2,500 of the taxpayers money

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5 Responses to “Damn the man! More government sponsored contests”

  1. With you 100%, and that winning video is totally cute.

  2. Lucas Ridley says:

    Yea, I read Jared’s defamming post about the EPA contest. Not sure what the big deal is with the EPA sponsoring a contest.

    Like you say, nothing new. I won one the EPA did about preserving watersheds about a year ago. I don’t see the harm in trying to educate people on important issues like protecting our environment. Or like this new one that encourages citizen involvement in regulation-making. What am I missing here? Don’t see what the problem is- they’re not forcing an ideology on any one or forcing us to enter videos. If you don’t like it, don’t submit.

  3. Jared Cicon says:

    Sorry to hear that Lucas. Joel, Dan and a shrinking minority of progressive radicals (or uninformed lemmings) don’t see any problem with drinking the coolaid. It’s a shame you joined them.

  4. Beardy says:

    Jared, a couple things:

    1. Though Kool-aid IS cool, it’s spelled with a “K.”

    2. Kool-aid is delicious and I defy anyone who is offered a glass to turn it down. There’s no need to bring kool-aid into this.

    3. You’re faulting Lucas for winning an EPA contest and joining the “progressives?” I wasn’t even born at the time and I know that the president that supported the creation of the EPA and signed its existence into law was that most evil of liberals, Richard Nixon. One reason he supported the agency was so that all the very, very necessary environmental protection regulations (stuff like, no cyanide in the water…no burning of old tire at the dump, etc) could be handled by one, independent agency.

    4. I hope you’re not going to go back on your own blog after this and claim you haven’t resorted to name-calling. I am seriously offended by the “progressive radicals” and “lemmings” cracks. You don’t know me. You WANT me to be those things but I’m not. How can you possibly infer so much about my political opinions from just 2 short blog posts? What have I said in these 2 posts that made you call me a radical? I’ve said stuff like, government run video contests aren’t a bad thing because they help save tons of the taxpayer’s money and, I’m sure glad federal regulations exist to keep people from getting on plans with box cutters. You don’t support those types of regulations too?

    5. Since you seem so very interested in my politics, here’s my history; the first person I ever voted for for president was Bob Dole; the guy who carried a copy of the 10th amendment in his pocket. Yes…I was a teenage conservative. But as you said jared, people get wiser as they get older. Since 1996 I’ve done lots more and learned lots more and got to know lots more people with different opinions. And so over the years I slid towards the middle. After 8 years of watching the constitution get ripped apart by “conservatives” I had enough. I’m a pure independent now; I support about 70% of what president Obama is trying to do and at the same time, I support about 50% of what Ron Paul is trying to do. I know, that sounds kind of crazy and complicated but most people’s politics are…which is why it’s a pretty unfair thing judge someone so quickly and with such scant evidence.

    6. I’m very disappointed that you of all people would work so hard to drive a wedge in what had the potential to become a community of video contest supporters. Look what you’ve done here. You’ve managed to insult me, Joel and Lucas and who knows how many anonymous readers of this site. How does this help the cause of video contests? How does this make anyone want to support things like your “video contest union?” (wait a second…union? You must be a dirty progressive!) I know you want contest sponsors to hire you as a contest consultant. The people who make those decisions probably won’t care if you’re a conservative but they will care if they notice you’ve been picking fights with and insulting people with difering political opinions…people who just happen to be some of the most prolific video contest filmmakers on the web. I understand that it’s more important to put principles above your video contest hopes and aspirations but I think one could do that without burning bridges.

    7. Finally, if you want to respond to all this like a mature adult, please feel free to do so. But if you want to photoshop another “warning” to people who don’t support the tea party movement, please don’t post it on my site. Post another photo here that implies that violence will come to anyone who doesn’t support your political beliefs and it will be taken down before anyone can see it. And before you tell us it was just a joke, go back and look your “Eastwood” photo. Yes you were making a goofy face but you had YOUR HAND ON A GUN and next to you was a mangled Dirty Harry Quote “Feeling Lucky, Punk?” Dirty Harry said that after threatening to blow someone’s head “clean off.” For fucks sake man, this is a website about video contests. Even jokes about shooting people just because they don’t support your political beliefs are wildly inappropriate.

  5. The King says:

    Looks like I got the intended reaction. I like the old west. Love chaps. In a way, the current freelance environment is very much like it.

    I stand by my progressive liberal and lemming comments, even if the labels offend you Beardy. Until you demonstrate otherwise, I have no other choice.

    RE: The Union
    It was only open to membership for artists who took a Constitutionalist litmus test coupled with a lie detector test. I don’t think you or Joel would have made the cut anyways. There are bad unions and there are good unions. Mine would have been the latter.

    BTW, you should be grateful for the hits our debate brings your blog. You’re welcome. Lighten up Dan.

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