It’s Friday, November 16th and that means you have until midnight tonight to submit your entries for Doritos 2012 Crash the Super Bowl contest! I’m a little sad to say that for the first time in 4 years I won’t be submitting an entry of my own. I had been working on a really elaborate idea for weeks but we ran into some big problems when we tried to shoot the spot last weekend. You know how they say “never work with kids or animals?” Well my script featured about a whole bunch of animals and not one of them did the one thing we needed them to do on camera. So the whole thing was a total bust. But I think the idea itself is really good and I might try and do re-shoot next year.
So this year I’ll be watching the CTSB from the sidelines. Although….I might just re-submit my entry from last year. I’m not 100% sure but I don’t think that’s against the rules. (Update: It is) I’ll have to check on that. Anyways, I know that a whole lot of you guys actually did manage to shoot and submit entries so I wanted to give you all a chance to show off your work. If you have a Crash the Super Bowl entry that you’d like to share, leave the link in a comment on this post. For some reason, Doritos’ facebook app makes it hard to share a direct link to a specific entry. If you want to link straight to your video, here’s what you do. First, go to your submission and look for the “share on twitter” button.
Click that button. A twitter box will pop up and you will see a link. That’s a direct link to your video! So copy that sucker and paste in in a comment.
Every year I offer to do mini-critiques of any videos that you guys send me, so if you’d like a quick review, please ask for it when you post your link. (if you don’t I’ll assume you just want to share your ad to get some extra views.) As I do every year, I’ll be posting my favorite Crash the Super Bowl “contenders” so if your video is really amazing it might just make my own personal Top 5. Good luck this year everybody!
Barking Shark,
THE PERKS OF BEING A MOM: I liked the mockumentary approach. It was a nice change of pace. But the story was a little slow. And this ad has one huge problem; you showed a woman eat a dorito that had been sitting in a puddle of urine! The judges at doritos don’t want people to be grossed out by doritos. But even if they wanted to pick this ad, the censors would never approve it for air. Remember, the ultimate goal is to make viewers want to eat more doritos.
GRIM’S DAY OFF: I like the concept and your “death” was pretty cool. The image of death running to the ocean is great and the gag where he locks up his sythe is brilliant. Overall I liked this ad but I don’t think it’s really exciting or crazy enough for the super bowl. I think it needed a really over the top punchline to make it stand out.
Discovered another funny one you might wanna take a peek at.
Goat 4 sale:
Forgot to ask, but could you please review “bob”? Thanks.
This is an ad my neigbbor chad filmed starting…me! Let me know what you think! Thanks
Hey Beardy,
Mind reviewing the final version of Psychic Dog?
Hey hey,
I’d love to hear what you think of this!
Well Beardy, I took your advice and made one of my own!
Thankfully, Brad Pitt sort of helped me with this one, but, in spite of appearances, this was a sort of tough shoot. Go ahead and review away!
Thanks again!
Hey Beardy!
I’d love a critique of my entry “Nacho Master” ; )
What an interesting blog.
Our budget was 100$ which was spent on making sure our volunteer crew ate well.
We prepped 1 day shot it in 6 hours on everyone’s day off (for those of us that have jobs)
We shot on Red which we got for free because We asked…
We all had a blast hanging out
let me know what you think.
Thanks for the post and would like to hear your thoughts…
Thanks again…
Our submission is called “Got Em Both”
Our budget was about $250
I would love to get some feedback. I have been reading your blog since last year, and I think its great!
Danny, Damn, Goat 4 Sale was good.
BOB: This spot was cute and it was very well made. I think it was a little over complicated though. I almost think it would have worked better without the “fearless phil” stuff. I don’t think you needed to explain why the dog put on a cape and launched himself. That would have been funny enough on it’s own and there would have been more time for funny shots of the dog getting ready for his attack.
GRANDMA: Very nice work. It was well produced and the actress was perfect. But I think the humor was probably too subtle. Doritos really seems to prefer outrageous humor. But this is a very slick ad and I thin it easily could have won a video contest for a different product.
PSYCHIC DOG: I think this is a very strong concept and there’s some good gags in here. But the shot of the guy choking himself was a little dark since the psychic dog basically just killed a man. If this aired on TV, a lot of people who weren’t paying attention would probably miss the “Beware of Psychic Dog” sign. A close up of the sign would have helped and it would have been good if the main guy actually said the phrase “psychic dog.” Over all this was amusing and if it doesn’t get picked I’d suggest making some tweaks and re-shooting it next year. “Psychic Dog” just sounds like the name of a video that would win this contest so it has potential.
Nick, I think I already reviewed “Jackedtion Figure.”
THERE YOU SNACK: Well….that was certainly different. I’m not quite sure what you were going for but I don’t think this is the type of thing doritos would pick. I get the feeling this was sort of a joke entry. But one important thing to remember, never alter the sponsor’s logo. Companies spend a fortune developing their logos so they don’t like it when people change them.
BAD CLOWN: Clearly this is a masterpiece. If it doesn’t get picked it will only be because it isn’t a widescreen video.
NACHO MASTER: This one was fun. I let out a little chuckle when it was all over. The action was cool and the actors were all great. Having said that, I don’t think this is the type of thing Doritos would pick but if you re-shot this for another product you could easily win a different video contest with this same idea.
REPLACEMENTS: I don’t know if you did this on purpose or if it was a total coincidence but the end of your commercial seems to be very, very similar to the end of of this State Farm commercial:
I think it’s unlikely that you came up with a gag that just appeared in a commercial that aired last year. But even if you did, I’d be even more surprised if no one in the cast or crew said “hey, wasn’t their a State Farm commercial like this?” So I have to assume that you copied the joke and that sucks. But if this is just a coincidence you’re still sort of out of luck because if Doritos picked this ad they’d be accused of ripping off State Farm.
DON’T FEED THE SQUIRRELS: Whoa, that was strange. I liked the concept but the execution was kind of dark. Those CG squirrels were super freaky. I think this ad would have been a lot better if you had used realistic fake squirrels. The obviously animated squirrels made this entry seem really weird and kind of creepy. Plus the bit at the end where the couple just holds each other out of fear was kinda freaky too.
GOT ‘EM BOTH: Excellent work. Of all the entries I’ve reviewed I think this one has the best chance of making the finals. It looks great and it’s funny and simple and has clever visuals and some laugh-out-loud moments. I think the black and white shots were a great way to indicate the dog’s POV and the cone full of chips was a great idea. I would say that the only con here is the subject matter. This ad is a tiny bit risque since it’s well…about testicles. The network that airs the superbowl gets final approval of all ads that are going to air. And the networks sometimes rejects ads that are too graphic. So there’s a chance that Doritos would have to pass on this one because they’d be worried that it’s too graphic for TV. But overall, nice work.
Thanks for watching.
No one said anything re: similar joke ….I just looked up the State Farm ad. Eek! But working
In the film business one learns that themes repeat…
But we had fun making it and will def make our portfolios. Good luck everyone!
This whole 1-5 star rating thing is absolute chaos. I’m new to CTSB, so I don’t know what it’s been like in the past. But man, they say it’s for “Entertainment Only”, but either people don’t know, or don’t care… because it’s like Lord of the Flies out there.
I also know I don’t have the energy to spam everyone I know to watch and rate my submission…
Actually, “Got ‘Em Both” handles the subject matter quite well. Also, there is at least one a precedent for this:
I’m sure if Pepsico can handle this, so can Frito Lay!
Oh, almost forgot the other precedent!
Could you give me your feedback on this CTSB ad:
Thank you!
So I have some bad news….over the years I have seen tons and tons and tons of Crash the Super Bowl entries that feature genies. Doritos has never picked a genie-themed ad before and I don’t think they’re ever going to. If they did, they would probably have 300 angry filmmakers claiming that the winner had ripped off their idea. I do like the premise of your video though. But the production values probably aren’t good enough for TV. It looks like you played both roles. Sometimes that can be funny but in this case it just felt like you didn’t have a second actor. Finally, when you are shooting a CTSB entry you need to be careful about sexual innuendo. Doritos commercials are almost always G-rated. Thanks to Janet Jackson, the Superbowl has to be totally family friendly. So Doritos can’t pick an ad that might cause any controversy. I know your joke was pretty tame but it’s better to err on the side of caution.
Ok, that’s it for the reviews for 2012! Thanks to everybody who submitted your links. If you still want to post a link to your video, go for it but I won’t be able to do any new reviews. Also, I’m still looking for really amazing entries for my “best of” list so if you see an ad that you think could go all the way, let me know!
Is YES ! the all-time greatest CTSB ad? Watch it at:
Just found out about this site. Very cool insight here so thanks for your work! I know I’m too late to get a review, but here is what I shot:
Thanks again
Wish I had known about this site earlier… next year!
We took notice of the first line of the creative mission this year… “make it action packed.” enjoy!
I did a truly amateur shoot for under $150. This is my first year entering CTSB contest. My son Ryan wants to be an actor. We couldn’t shoot until he came to California from New York last December for Christmas. I’ve been waiting 10 months to submit. Please let me know what you think. Do the rules prevent you from posting to YouTube to gain popularity? Mine is called: You got the goods
Here are some of my favs that I’ve seen so far. I’m sure I’ve barely made a dent in the submissions. Some of these are previous years finalists, some are maybe too weird but I still liked, and some had a good use of dogs/animals. Didn’t see any of these reviewed so it’d be interesting to see what you thought of these.
ROAD CHIP (has an another ending)
OFFICE DOG (has a couple ALT endings)
This one’s mine. Little something for everyone. Check out the Doritos Wrestling scene at the end.
Check out Doritos Lab on the Crash the Super Bowl VII App. Check it out here:
Mike E,
That’s a great list. A few of those are were on my short list and I’ll be adding some of the others. It does look like a good number of the slickest entries were shot by previous winners. I think one or two slots will probably go to people who made the finals last year.
Here’s my entry, I’d love to know what you think:
Congrats to all the nacho nominees. A couple were posted here if I recall.
Please check out my entry “Pulling Teeth.”
Is Pulling Teeth the all-time greatest CTSB ad? Watch it at:
Good luck to all.