If you’re a big Crash the Super Bowl nerd you’ll get a kick out of this entry. A California filmmaker named Fran Guijarro set out to create his own sequel to Jonathan Friedman’s 2011 submission, . You might remember that commercial as the one where the giant dog kills and buries a cat and then buys his owner’s silence with some Doritos. That ad made the finals back in January and then won Friedman a million bucks after it was ranked the best commercial of the game. I really liked Man’s Best Friend and I really dig Guijarro’s unofficial response.
Click image to watch on facebook
I think Fluffy’s Revenge is good enough to make the finals but I’d be really surprised if this one makes the top 5. People have short attention spans when it comes to commercials so I’m not sure a ton of people would get this spot. Plus it might be a little to meta for the folks at Fritolay. Still, I think it’s pretty damn clever and really well made.
How’s your top 5 looking, Beardy?
Well it’s not looking so hot. I’ve been having a hard time finding 5 videos I think will win! It might wind up being a “Top 3″ list.
Oh wow, I felt like the entries were a bit thin, but didn’t expect that thin! Looking forward to your list though!
Clever? It copies the finalist from last year on storyline, edit and characters, ridiculous what people call clever these days.
I will admit the production quality is great, but the vibe is way too dark and morbid. Last years was more subtle and fun. I sure wouldn’t want to buy Doritos after seeing that ugly ass cat either
Mayhaps you haven’t seen this one yet:
Hey there! Thank you very much for your post. Very glad to hear you like our sequel ad.
Mr. Iknow,
Yes, the storyline, characters etc are similar. That was the point. I’m interested in seeing what you consider to be clever so feel free to post a link to your submission.
Thanks for the comment. Good luck!
Well, I’m at a crossroads… it was somewhat clever, but unoriginal. Very well produced, directed, and performed. To me, if it were truly ‘clever’, they might have given it a plot twist, perhaps at the end, like the dog becomes possessed by the cat, and his eyes glow. Just something that didn’t copy the plot, I feel, would have made it an excellent commercial.
What about this one:
Adam that was a really well made spot. The dogs reaction was perfect. I worked with six dogs making this spot and also had to keep them still for bluescreen work. I feel your pain with the keying of animals!
Thanks so much Rob! That’s my dog Riley
I think our two spots are the only ones that have no humans in them. Beardy saids that you should have some humans in Doritos spots even if the focus is on the animals. Those are all my six dogs and the hardest part was getting them to sit still in front of the green screen. Last animal spot i do for a while!
Adam, somehow I missed your comment. Turns out that your entry is one of my favorites and it might just make my Top 5 this year. I think you have a really strong chance with that one!
Beardy – thanks so much!!! I’m really proud of it (and of my dog)
Rob – can you link to yours?
Adam your dog is very unique. Here is my link. Cant really say it was a joy to make, but I think it turned out pretty good. Are you in the OC?
My favorite:
So funny. Great dog!
Rob – that didn’t link directly to a specific video. Also, I live in Los Angeles.
Yes I wish Crash did not go to a facebook app. It is confusing for people to vote. Here it is on Vimeo next to last years.
Rob – adorable dogs!
Beardy –
Just curious: Do you have a pretty high percentage of your own Top 5 selections that end up in Doritos’ Top 5? Is it relatively easy or pretty hard to predict what their judges are going to pick? Thanks!
I think I post about 5 predictions a year and each year I get 1, 2 or 3 right. I think this year I might get 2 or 3 right. I have some pretty strong contenders picked out and the rest of the field was pretty weak.
Fluffy’s Revenge is really well done, but ya, not sure if people will get it.
Tim – is hilarious! Maybe my fav
Can’t wait to see the 5 you select Beardy!